James Law designs 'eco-globe' for Dubai's Technopark

This pioneering new development explores sustainable technologies and the planning principals to create a desert community that will be carbon neutral and zone waste. The concept of this iconic building for the Technopark of Dubai, is a building which will reflect the state of Planet Earth in the current and future times. Planet Earth embodies the very essence of the ecosystem that we live in. This concept takes the planet’s ecosystem and interprets it as a Cybertecture building that mimics the forces of nature to produce a building that is wonder for people to visit, live and work in, and be a symbol of the power of Technology. This building, being the iconic symbol of the Technopark will be called 'Technosphere'.

The Technosphere has several key technology systems and architectural spaces that will enable the building to generate a self breathing environment as well as generate electricity from solar power to supplement the energy needs of the building. An intelligently distributed array of sky gardens for offices and hotel not only gives a outdoor terrace advantage to the occupants but also provide passive solar shielding from the sun as well as natural green plantations to contribute oxygen to the environment in a sustainable way. Other systems such as water recycling minimises the use and wastages of water in this vast building.

The Technosphere sits on the axis of the new city plan of Technopark, creating a symbolic termination of the axis as if its location is the genesis of the city. From this point, the city seems to grow, and deliberately, the Techosphere is awesome in its presence as the nucleus of the City.

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