Tips on designing your Kitchen sets

# How many people are in your household who use the kitchen? The answer to this question will determine how much use your kitchen cabinets get, and how much traffic there is likely to be in the kitchen at any one time.
# Do two or more cooks typically work at the same time? If so, you may want extra counter space in your kitchen cabinets and/or an extra sink.
# Do you entertain frequently - and do you typically have formal or informal gatherings? If you entertain a lot, you may want to open up the kitchen/living room area into a great room that lets you be part of the party while you’re working.
# What other activities commonly occur in the kitchen? Some houses have a laundry closet in the kitchen. Some people want a wet bar, a breakfast bar or even a desk for writing or computer work included in their kitchen cabinets.
# Do you have any special kitchen cabinets needs? Is a user exceptionally short or tall, and uncomfortable working at standard-height counters for long periods of time? Do you have a disabled or elderly household member who may have special needs..?

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